When is the workshop?

There are two workshop series during each semester: Tuesday and Thursday series.   Fall workshops take place during the month of October.   Spring workshops take place during the month of November.  Eligible students have the option of attending the Tuesday series or the Thursday series.  Each series meet on four consecutive Tuesdays or Thursdays.    We meet during club hours (10-12 pm) in room 4F02.

How can I participate?

To determine if you are eligible, please email our research team at or call us at 718-262-2277 to schedule a pre-workshop screening.  The screening takes approximately 20-25 minutes.   It will help us to determine whether we believe the workshop is appropriate for you.  After completing the screen, a member of our team will contact you to let you know if you are eligible withing 48 hours.

Can I volunteer or be a part of the research team?  

Undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in joining our team must send an email to Dr. Kathariya Mokrue to schedule an initial meeting.

I completed the pre-workshop screen and I was told that I am eligible! What next?

Congratulations!  You will be asked which workshop series you would like to participate in.   Please arrive to each workshop on time.  Bring an open-mind and an attitude of willingness.  Refreshments and light snacks will be served.  Each workshop lasts between 90 minutes to 110 minutes.

Where can I find out more about mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavior therapy?

There are numerous resources if you want to learn more about mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavior therapy.   For starters, visit the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies and Center for Mindfulness  .


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